Today’s Carol

This should have originally posted on Sunday, December 20. The song, O Holy Night, has at its birth one of the unique stories of Christmas. Originally a French hymn it was written to celebrate the renovation of an organ. The poem was written by a man who claimed to be an atheist, Placide Cappeau, aContinueContinue reading “Today’s Carol”

A Daily Christmas

In just a few short days Christmas, the day, the holiday, will be here. Gifts will be open and discarded. Items will be broken, unwanted, and returned. We will discuss Christmas ‘being over’ and comment on whether or not we should sing carols in church this Sunday. Christmas as the celebration of Jesus’ coming toContinueContinue reading “A Daily Christmas”

Time and Energy

What matters? What lasts? What defines us? These are questions that to some extent we have all probably asked ourselves at some time or another. Our answers are varied. They are, however, revealed in the actions and choices that we make. Every generation, every subgroup of each generation will all attempt to answer the aboveContinueContinue reading “Time and Energy”

Wonder and Time

Babies are an incredible gift from God. Their smiles and interactions with us endear them to most people they encounter. They are also weak and in need of constant care and attention. Whatever you may know of them I can promise you this; babies are a lot of work. You do not get a breakContinueContinue reading “Wonder and Time”

Intentional Thoughts

A Starry Night Take a piece of dark paper/wall board/poster board/ etc. Attach this to a wall or some other well-traveled place in your house. Cut out white stars and place near this spot along with a pen. As the days pass take time to write things of thanksgiving, instances of joy or happiness, orContinueContinue reading “Intentional Thoughts”

Embracing Brokenness

Cold. Dark.  Lonely. Regular. Expected. Normal. Think of your life and think of tasks that you perform regularly. Maybe you dread them. Maybe you enjoy them. What you do not expect is to be visited by angels. Why do we not expect angels? Should we expect messengers from Heaven? In the circles that I haveContinueContinue reading “Embracing Brokenness”

a world-changing announcement

It’s caroling Sunday again. The formation and use of the word Noel has an interesting and complicated history. Originally the word means to be born and then through some double usage and similar words it now is used to mean the Christmas season or Christmas carol. More info Here Thousands of years before God hadContinueContinue reading “a world-changing announcement”

sitting quietly

It’s Saturday and there are only 13 days that separate you from Christmas. What are the plans for today? Shopping? Cleaning? Baking? Sitting? Whatever your plans, or combination of plans might be, the reality is that most of us don’t expect our world to get turned upside down. If, however, we do find our worldContinueContinue reading “sitting quietly”