How The New York Times Fixed My Sin Problem

First of all, some of you will read this and it won’t make sense. That’s ok. Whisper a quiet, ‘thank you’ and continue on about your business. But some of us understand. Some of us know all too well what it is like to hear every issue labeled a ‘sin’ – and no helpful remedyContinueContinue reading “How The New York Times Fixed My Sin Problem”

Don’t go there

In our foster care journey we have been blessed and supported by so many people. This post isn’t a huzzah for us, but rather an attempt to speak to an issue that has become heavy for Christy and I. It is also carried by our children who have been beyond loving and compassionate with usContinueContinue reading “Don’t go there”

Don’t Save the World | Save the Moment

To some degree we probably all think about saving the world. Its seems clear that most people spend time thinking about what is wrong in the world – and subsequently complaining about those problems. So while you may not have woken up this morning thinking about how you would save the world it’s probably notContinueContinue reading “Don’t Save the World | Save the Moment”

Celebrating Like No Tomorrow | When the World is Right

Only three days in on the commitment to post about thankfulness and already the cynicism is having to be escorted from the arena by armed security. That’s ok, because todays security experts are young and quite accomplished. With their foam fingers and their #5, #10, #1, and a myriad of other jersey numbers they areContinueContinue reading “Celebrating Like No Tomorrow | When the World is Right”

The People We’re Stuck With | Community

It’s early November and while my fall schedule is like many of you all’s I am committing myself to at least three posts a week. Thankfulness will be my theme and since I sometimes find myself of a cynical nature we may have to be fairly inventive in exactly ‘what’ I’m thankful for. Today’s postContinueContinue reading “The People We’re Stuck With | Community”

Secret Shoppers and Christianity

So I know that what I’m about to say is going to date me, but I’ll just deal with those ramifications. A few weeks ago I was listening to my Pandora station when an ad came on that really caused me to think. Yes, Pandora, and, double yes; the free version – with ads. WhileContinueContinue reading “Secret Shoppers and Christianity”

Late Night Mowing – and realities

Swinging the world by the tail, bouncing Sometimes in the thinking of life you find some solace. Not necessarily because you satisfy yourselves but rather you may just realize and come to rest on those things that are ‘actuals’; the things that matter now – and always will. The yard needed to be mowed. Badly.ContinueContinue reading “Late Night Mowing – and realities”

How Far is the Past

How Far is the Past? This morning I saw a church sign that got me to thinking. I don’t have the exact wording because I was completing an illegal u-turn at the moment but the gist of the sign was this; GOD ISN’T WORRIED ABOUT YOUR PAST I’ve always asked questions. In fact, the reasonContinueContinue reading “How Far is the Past”